Distance is all you need to get what you want…

Letting go works wonders after all effort has been put in…

Kiran KP
1 min readJun 10, 2024

Letting go is the key after you have worked like crazy toward your manifestation.

Read the full story here.

Ask any seasoned manifester and you will hear this over and over again.

Letting go is the main component once all intention, work, and effort have been put in place.

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Letting go is not something you do right away. You set the intention, you work hard, you do the writing as often as possible, you say your affirmations and then you let go.

It is like waking up every single day at 3 am and praying like crazy for what is it that you want. Keep putting in effort, do all it takes to make it happen, and then let go. It will now happen on its own in due time.



Kiran KP

Educator, writer and owner of an editing business . Passionate about making money online, self improvement and teaching.